Output 1
Competence framework for research-related digital competences, critical digital literacy and digital teaching competences.
[Humboldt University of Berlin]
Output 2
Teaching contents from the humanities, especially from linguistics, literature and language training. With focus on multilinguality and -perspectivity.
[University of Belgrade]
Output 3
Teacher manuals on the use of the teaching kits, their adaptability and self learning materials on relevant digital skills for virtual cooperation.
[University of Wolverhampton]
Output 4
Complete teaching kits for transnational virtual micro-cooperations including different input formats, teacher manuals and learning resources.
[UC Louvain]
Output 5
An open platform to provide teachers with modularized teaching contents and enable them to use a growing network for new teaching cooperations.
[NGO Teach me]
Output 6
A white paper with recommendations on open educational resources and virtual micro-cooperations as a new way to internationalisation
[University of Oslo]