- Multiplier Event at the University of Málaga
The Spanish team of DIONE organised the second multiplier event at the University of Málaga on December 12, in the afternoon.
Bearing in mind our main audience (EFL lecturers and pre-service EFL teachers), we decided to place the focus on the practice of a micro collaboration kit (how to design one and how to implement it). We simulated a transnational scenario and students could experience firsthand what it was like to achieve the goals of the micro-teaching in a joint way.
- Multiplier Event at Humboldt-University
On December 9 2022 we had our first multiplier event. We invited over 40 colleagues from our long-term partner universities in the Western Balkans to Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin: From the University of Tirana, the University of Montenegro, the University of Prishtina and the University of Sarajevo. The event was a great success and a lot of fun!
At the Multiplier Event we presented our concept of micro-collaborations. And once again it turned out to be an innovative and energising idea.
At the same time, we used the whole week to bring colleagues together with Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin‘s decision-makers in the international field to better manage ongoing projects, initiate new collaborations and broaden existing ones. We have thus linked the Western Balkan universities even better with the HU.
- DIONE at DICE Conference
From 30 November to 2 December, we were present at this year’s DICE Conference in the Market of Opportunities. We presented our project idea and the concept of micro-collaborations to the virtual visitors – in line with the conference motto “Acting in a network. Thinking globally. Promoting change“.
- First version of our platform
We made the first version of our micro collaboration platform! Check it out here. We will add content every day – open educational resources and micro-collaboration kits.
- Fourth meeting
We held our fourth project meeting on 21 and 22 September. We met in Belgrade in the premises of the Rectorate.
The most important task of the meeting was to finalise our micro-collaboration kits and thus to put a large part of our project output on the final metres. We also worked on planning the upcoming pilot collaborations and our white paper.
In front of the rectorate of U Belgrade; Photo: Philipp Wasserscheidt This was the last meeting with (almost) all project participants – and a wonderful almost-closure of the project.
- Third newsletter
- First pilot collaboration running
The first pilot micro-collaboration on corpus-based constructional analysis between Université Catholique de Louvain (Kristel van Goethem) and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Philipp Wasserscheidt) is running from April 20 to May 11.
- Café at Circle U. on Micro-collaboration
The Think & Do Tank Café within Circle U. kicks off with a hybrid workshop on micro-collaboration. Jelena Filipović, Kristel van Goethem and Philipp Wasserscheidt will present the core idea of DIONE to the European University Alliance and discuss the issue of massive and democratic internationalisation with students and colleagues from Humboldt-University and the other partner universities.
Info site: https://www.circle-u.eu/events/2022/circle-u-think-do-tank-cafe.html - Third project meeting
We organised the third transnational meeting in Granada – and it was the first physical meeting. On 10 and 11 March, we met in the premises of the University of Granada and continued to work on our outputs. The focus was to finish the micro-collaborations we started and to continue developing this unique concept.
- Second project meeting
Our second transnational project meeting took place on 30 November and 1 December. Of course, unfortunately, virtually. Under the committed and warm leadership of the team from Louvain, we worked on developing a good common basis for the further development of the course units. We discussed the integration of the competence framework, the development of teaching videos and the teachers’ manuals. And of course we presented the current courses that the individual working groups are currently developing.